Minera Copal


Led Lumina Leasing SA de CV Sofom ENR


El Copal, Nayarit, México – Quartz Breccia-Veins

Mineral System Type:

Pb-Zn-Ag-Au Epithermal System / Intermediate Sulphidation

Coordinates (GCS):

Located between: Parallels 21°37’40.5″ and 21°39’35.5″ of North Latitude Meridians -104°32’22» and -104°35’18.1″ of West Longitude Mines Zone centered at GCS 21°38’47.6” North Latitude & -104°34’00.3” West Longitude UTM E-544830, N-2393770, Zone 13N, Datum WGS-83

Elevation: 200-1000 masl

Topographic Map: Sierra de Alica F13D22, Scale 1:50000 (INEGI)

Mining Claims: Copal, Title – 234522, Area – 2713 Has. / Reduction to 1610 Has